As I opened the box of assorted chocolate, I began to hyperventilate!!! Sooooo many choices laid before me – sooooo many surprises in the variety.
Though I should take the time to read the labels, excitement overtakes me! More often than not, I admit, I become a ‘light squeezer.’ You know, I gently place the chocolate piece in question, between my thumb and forefinger. Then ever so softly, I give enough pressure for a little of the inside to ooze out, just enough for me to predict my future relationship with the questioned morsel. Sometimes, the interior looks mouth-watering and over the top satisfying!!! Other times, it is something I want to avoid.
Have you heard the quote by Forrest Gump, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get?”
Recently, these words have come alive. While living with the threat of COVID, each day is like a box of assorted chocolates. We have no idea what the future holds. There are soooo many choices before us. Do I wear a mask? Do I not wear a mask? Do I homeschool? Do I virtual school? Do I want to eat at that restaurant? Do I cancel that event? How can I attend that event in a safe environment?
I feel as if we are trying to predict the unknown future. The days can feel like an assorted box of chocolate, and honestly, I want to pick and choose. I want the chocolate that is satisfying and refreshing. I want my days to be pleasing and refreshing. However, sometimes they are more like unwanted morsels for they leave a bad taste in my mouth.
Friends, while living in this earthly world, life will be full of questions. Situations will be unpredictable.
So what is a gal to do, when faced with an assortment of unknowns and you start to hyperventilate? HA!
Here’s what I do know in the unknown:
I do know that God’s mercies are new every. single. morning. This means His mercies were new yesterday, there are fresh today, and they will be tomorrow. His mercies were available in the past and will be forever and ever in the future. He gives mercy for his love is unfailing. Lamentations 3:22 (ESV) reads, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Even in times of uncertainty, I am certain that God bears our burdens. Daily he cares about our worry, anxiety, and stress. He wants to carry your load, so you don’t have to bear it alone. He will always lift our burdens as we give them to Him. “Praise be to the Lord, to God, our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.” Psalm 68:19
Even in moments of the unknown, I know God gives grace upon grace. John 1:16, “For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” God provided grace when I don’t deserve it. He gives grace piled on top of grace. I need his mercy, and thank goodness, He gives grace. For this, I am forever glad!
So the next time you feel like your day is an assorted box of chocolate, you can squeeze and predict. You can try to figure it out and still be disappointed. Or my friend, you can just enjoy the tasty morsel knowing God’s mercies are new every morning; He bears your burdens, and God gives grace upon grace.
This morning, I pray you enjoy every moment of your day.