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God Sees

I answered the startling ring of our doorbell to find a family friend. He flashed his big grin as he said, “I have something for you.” Glad to see my church buddy, but taken back by his unexpected visit, I followed him to his car. He retrieved the gift from the floorboard. Excitedly, he presented a gorgeous houseplant topped with red blooms and nestled in a wicker basket. As he handed me this vibrant gift, he joyfully exclaimed, “Happy Birthday from my wife and me!” I hugged his neck as I fought tears. He had no idea.

Unexpected medical bills and car repairs had devoured our tight little budget. We had adjusted to meet the debt by drastically reducing our grocery expenditures, canceling a trip and selling some things. My husband and I chose not to exchange gifts that year. Though funds were low, life was good. We had a warm home. We had each other. We had friends. We never missed a payment or a meal. We threw money at the beast, and by God’s grace, we were making progress.

However, during this season of low funds, the unexpected birthday gift whispered a reminder to my heart. It proclaimed; “My Lord sees me and the details of my life. He cares when money is tight, and gifts are hard to come by.” My friend was unaware, but God was!

This day reminds me of a woman in the Bible named Hagar. She was in a desert alone and discouraged fighting her own battles. An angel of the Lord delivered her a personal message. Hagar then proclaims; “I have now seen the One who sees me.” Genesis 16:13 (NIV)

My friends, what secret battle are you facing today? What hidden struggles bring you stress? What keeps you up at night?

Can I remind you that our God knows and cares? Our Father is concerned with the details of His children. He collects your every tear in a bottle. Psalm 56:8 (NLT) reads, “You have collected all my tears in your bottle, You have recorded each one in your book.” “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Luke 12:7 (NIV) He knows your every hurt and “God is close to the brokenhearted and saves those crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18 (NIV)

Oh, Friend, whatever you are facing today, know that our God sees fully, and He cares deeply. Sometimes He may even show up in a potted plant.



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