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His Hope for Hard Days

I admit it.

As I sit ‘safe at home,’ the isolation has begun to tighten its ugly grip.

The days drag on, and walls are slowly closing in.

I miss my adult children, church family, and my grands (not necessarily in that order ha). I wish for dining dates with friends and gathering at a local coffee house. I long to physically attend my little princess’s birthday party. I want to sit at my parent’s breakfast table for our weekly coffee and conversation. I miss simple things, such as physically selecting my own groceries. (I may or may not have control issues over my grocery cart and veggie picking)

Meanwhile, the hope of anything being normal again is days, weeks maybe months away. If one is not careful, one can slide into a pit of despair.

However, two words change my everything when stepping towards hopelessness.

But God. Don’t you love those two-three letter words? BUT. GOD.

As a Christ Follower, we need not face hard days without hope. Whether we are facing the threat of the coronavirus, isolation, or a financial crisis, we have a living hope from a loving God. His hope is available and abundant.

Here are Three Reasons we can have Hope on Hard days:

We have hope because of the character of God. Though we may not understand the hurt, evil, or loss around us, God’s character remains to be true. He is holy and good. (1 Peter 1:16, 1 Chronicles 16:34) Therefore, we can trust His character. God is for you, not against you. Romans 8:31b (ESV) reads, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” We serve a good God who loves people deeply. He has already proven His love on the cruel cross of Calvary. (John 3:16) He would literally die for you, which in fact, He did. “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 (ESV) When life is difficult, remember, we have hope because we serve a holy and good God.

We have hope because of His Promises. He promises an unshakable, unfailing love. “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD. (Isaiah 54:10)

He promises never to leave you or forsake you. (Joshua 1:9) He promises to give wisdom. (James 1:5) He promises to meet our needs. (Philippians 4:19) He promises grace. (2 Corinthians 12:9) He promises to turn ashes into beauty. (Isaiah 61:3) When life is hard we have hope because of His good promises.

We can hope because of God’s track record. A glance at God’s recorded actions throughout Scripture reminds us of His power, love, and goodness. For example, He made Abraham the Father of many nations. He gave a way of escape for Noah. He guided the Israelites into the Promise land. He destroyed the walls of Jericho. He gifted Ruth a kinsmen redeemer. He empowered Nehemiah to re-build a wall. He protected Daniel in a lions’ den. He turned a shepherd boy into a King. He sent His son to provide for our salvation. If our good God can do these miraculous acts and so much more, imagine what He wants to do for you. Even on our hard days He’s got this. He is bigger than your problem. He is stronger than your enemy. His track record speaks for itself.

Friends, if you are feeling hopeless and empty today, remember two-three letter words.

But. God.

God changes everything. He is our living hope; therefore we can live with confidence today and into an unknown future. Trust His character, believe in His promises, and remember His track record because He can give a living hope on your hardest of hard days.

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