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I Have a Problem

It keeps me awake at night. I search for answers during the day. Sometimes it seems like a mountain too big to overcome.

I know we all have our battles to fight, our mountains to climb, but friends, do you ever tire of the endless ascent? Have you ever wondered if the mountain in front of you is bigger than the fight within you?

I have!

However, on a recent flight, I was reminded of the SIZE of our God. The mountain on the ground level feels too big to overcome. Every step can be laborious. However, if you change your view just a little, the mountain seemingly shrinks in size. It almost seems peaceful. Imagine the view God has of our problems/mountains!

Scripture says that the earth is but a footstool to the Lord. "Thus says the Lord:“Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool." Isaiah 66:1 (ESV)

I was reminded that though my mountain of problems may feel significant, they are tiny compared to the Big God I serve. He is a mighty and miraculous God. He is larger than any trial or difficulty you or I are facing today.

"Are your troubles as untamed as the ocean? God holds them in the hollow of his hand (Isaiah 40:12). Are your sorrows as vast as the heavens? God measures them like a carpenter at his workbench (Isaiah 40:12). Are your burdens as heavy as the hills? God picks them up and puts them on his scale (Isaiah 40:12). Your problems may be massive, but your God is mighty. The sun will fail to shine sooner than his word will fall to the ground — no matter how big our problems" (Hubbard, Scott, God is Bigger Than Your Problem, Desiring God, Nov 19, 2018).

Friend, no matter what problem you are facing today, remember God is mightier than your mountain. Focus on your Savior, not your struggle. Remember what a powerful God we serve. View the problem from His perspective, and your mountain will look like a molehill.

Blessings, sweet friends!

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