I LOVE words! It is my joy and honor to write for you each week. I come to my keyboard with prayer and passion asking Him to give me an encouraging post for your everyday life using Biblical content. Along with the writing, God has also called me to speak His words!
This week I simply want to update you on some fresh and fun speaking topics. If I can ever help you or your church by teaching a ladies retreat, ladies tea, brunch, mothers-morning out, Christmas banquet, etc. I would be ecstatic! I want nothing more than to give encouraging words of His good news. Follow the link to see what I am up to and if we can partner together!
Click Here for more info!
Blessings my sweet Friends!
“And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, . . . ” Colossians 4:3 NIV