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Just Happy to Be Here! :)

Have you ever been a part of something bigger than yourself? Have you seen God move as you watch in awe of His goodness? Me too!

Last Friday, a few friends from my home church and I traveled to NYC, where we had the opportunity to partner with Park Slope Community Church. This gathering was a casual visit of two churches with a heartfelt mission to serve a local neighborhood. We were supported by friends who gave financially. We were bathed in prayer. We served and shared. As we made new friends, each interaction reminded me of the power of God's family working together.

For example, the weekend included a hearty breakfast served on Saturday morning, bringing warmth and sustenance to approximately 150 people. The aroma of freshly prepared bacon wafted through the air, mingling with conversations and creating an atmosphere of connection.

We served while listening to our guests' stories. It became increasingly clear that the blessings we received from these interactions outweighed any assistance we provided. The resilience and spirit of the NY people we met were genuinely inspiring. I was captivated by narratives and tales of brave souls who had embarked on journeys from faraway places, driven by hope and the longing for a better life.

We chatted about the better life found not only in the "land of the free" but in a relationship with the One who sets us free. We conversed about how it is through Jesus Christ that we can have true freedom. It is through Him that we have new life. He gives fresh starts. He is the one to offer second chances. He provides hope. He gives forgiveness and salvation. He loves His people deeply. He offers the grandest of freedoms.

Today, I pause to say thank you. Thank you for supporting me as we share the freedoms found in our God. I am grateful for the privilege to serve Him and the people of NYC. Thank you to Park Slope Community Church and West Cab for this partnership. It was a beautiful, grand adventure of souls coming together for a purpose bigger than self. It is the ultimate story of the One who can set us free, indeed.

Friends, as you navigate your day, walk and live in freedom.

If the Son therefore shall make you free, you are free indeed. John 8:36 (KJV)

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