If porch swings could talk, mine could tell tales.
She has heard ugly cries; and whispered prayers.
She knows of anger held tight; and ugly poured out.
If porch swings could talk, mine could tell tales.
She has heard of hurts and loss.
Yet, knows of hope from the cross.
If porch swings could talk, mine could tell tales.
Instead . . . she is a safe place for me and mine.
She is a space where souls have gathered; hearts have listened, and bodies were rocked; Secrets shared, and tales held. She is a place for family and friends to find solutions and resolutions.
If porch swings could talk, mine could tell victories found, and fears unbound. She could tell of grand-girls rocked, with squeals of delight, while holding on tight. She could tell of neighbors who drop by with warm dishes, and best wishes.
If porch swings could talk, mine could tell tales. She knows of listening well and loving with open arms, and rocking forward.
Sweet friend, where is your safe place? A swing? A living space? Find your strength in your retreat; cause there’s a God who cares and your worry He bares. Seek His face, and you will find profound grace.
If porch swings could talk, mine could tell tales.