Since her handsome husband was thousands of miles away, she felt alone on the crowded touristic stroll in Historic Charleston. The sun's rays warmed her bare arms as she observed the colorful row of pink, white, and blue homes. The privately owned manicured gardens were breathtaking. As she leaned in for a closer look, a horse-driven carriage passed to complete the Charleston feel. With her camera clicking pics, she strolled to the end of the road as a beautiful grand home caught her attention. Her wrap-around porch overlooked a front yard filled with blooming bright red and pink azaleas. A stately fountain was a centered attraction as birds flew over head.

She dared to take an even closer look as she pressed between the iron fence posts to peek at the historic home. She yearned to go inside. But unfortunately, the fence was tightly shut and barred the entrance into the expensive property.
As she stared, a group of well-dressed men and women were quickly ushered through a back fence door for a lunch party.
Her inner voice cried, "I want to go inside too! I desired to join the well-dressed party in my new favorite home!" However, the heavy iron gate door slammed shut.
I (I mean she) turned with eyes lowered and head hanging. She slowly walked away feeling more lonely than before.
Friend, do you ever feel left-out, lacking, and looked over? Do you ever feel uninvited? I do!
The Charleston gate may have been slammed before me, but there is a much more glorious and beautiful gate that stands open with an invitation bidding all of us to come and find delicious food for our souls. God has His arms and doors open wide. He embraces every race, age, background, social status, and gender.
His invitation is there for you and me. It is personal. It is rich and true. You can know Him intimately.
His invite is offered as long as you have breath or until Jesus comes back to receive His children unto Himself. Hear His call for rest and restoration. Our life on this earth can be challenging. However, in His presence, we are renewed and restored. Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28) What will you do with Jesus's invitation today?
The Charleston Gate to the beautiful Charleston home may be shut to me. However, our Lord's door is open, bidding me and you to come home. We can have an intimate and deep relationship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! This is a gate I am walking through. How about you?
Won't you join me? Please let me know if I can ever help you find your way through the door.
