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Never Underestimate the Power of Tiny Steps

Last Fall, I took this pic of my sweet grandbaby, who walked us (her parents, Terry, and me) around the beautiful Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary campus. We cheered with her every step! She had mastered the art of walking like a champ, and as seen in this picture, Terry and I saw all her hard work come together. It was exhilarating to see her "go"!

As I witnessed how brave this tiny tot was with each step and the freedom she enjoyed, my thoughts traveled. My mind parked on the similarity of the physical walk to our spiritual journey. We are often challenged to take the next step of faith, but sometimes, it may seem scary. At times, one may wobble. Sometimes, I stumble and fall. However, there are days when I march ahead in victory. As I learn to trust Him and move forward, I step into God's best plan for my life. Though I fail, I also know the art of walking in freedom! It is a beautiful path.

A man in the New Testament exemplifies trusting and walking. He states in 2 Corinthians that we walk by faith, not by sight.

2 Corinthians 5:7 reads, "We walk by faith, not by sight."

Paul, the author of Corinthians, endured much suffering on his earthly pilgrimage. Yet, he refused to quit. He never gave up. He continued to take the next step of faith. He lived with profound courage, doing what God instructed. He knew God was with him, and He gave Paul strength for the next step. Paul also knew he would be resurrected with Christ when he died. He understood the promise that he would one day be in heaven completely free from earthly burdens.

Paul sums it all up by stating believers do not walk by sight. Instead, we walk in faith. We do not always understand the direction the Lord takes us, but we can trust Him. We can walk strong because He loves us and has our best interests in mind. He has a plan for us, and He invites us to step into that plan.

I am not sure what your next step is today. Perhaps you need to trust Him with your finances, let go of your grown children, or forgive yourself of a past secret. God may invite you to a discipleship class or even ask you to teach that discipleship class. Our faith grows into a beautiful journey as we trust and obey. When we journey into something new or out of our comfort zone, God will give us the strength to accomplish His will for our lives.

Friend, I encourage you to move forward no matter what you face today. Trust Him in your spiritual journey, for we walk by faith, not sight. And as for my grandbaby girl—well, I believe one day, she will rule the world—haha!

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