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One Cup Away from a Good Mood

It speaks to me as I sleepily stumble to the coffee bar, craving a warm cup of mojo. She is a favorite mug, though the gold handle is faded, and the body is worn. The same scene repeats early each morning in the Seamon home.

I reach for her, knowing I am one cup away from a good mood.

How about you? Does this happen in your space? Do you have a favorite tea cup or coffee mug? You know, the one you have reached for over and over again? I do! But the truth be known, I have a few favorites.

My mind travels from the current favorite cup in hand to Scripture, which uses a cup as a metaphor. According to Henry Morris, PhD, in his article "The Symbol of the Cup with Institution of Creation Researches," a cup is often used in the Bible as a figure of speech denoting some important spiritual doctrine.

For example, there is the cup of sin and wickedness. Jesus speaks of hypocrites, "You clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First, clean the inside of the cup, and the dish, and then the outside also will be cleaned." (Matthew 23:25-29). This cup portrays a life that seems clean and beautiful on the outside but messy on the inside. I think of someone who tries to look more 'holy' than they are, perhaps living a life of hidden secrets or sins. I think of the one who is more interested in the perception of the outside than the heart within. It is an easy trap to fall into, isn't it? Our Lord pours out a cup of wrath because of this world's evil and injustice. The Bible also describes God's wrath as His response to sin but gives us a way to escape. He is a holy God who calls us back to Himself. His righteousness balances truth and mercy.

In God's grace, His cup of wrath became the cup of surrender. God provided a way of forgiveness and redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus paid the penalty for our sins as He surrendered to the hard. Jesus asked, "Father, will you take this cup from me? as He faced the coming crucifixion" Then He followed with the surrender of, "But not my will be done but yours," as He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:42). He ultimately submitted to God's will instead of his own. He loves you and me so much that He chose the cross, and He died in our place.

His surrender was the ultimate gift of love and salvation. He yielded His will for the Father's plan. His cup of surrender gives us the gift of redemption. His cup of surrender allows for my cup of salvation. As David said in Psalm 116:13, I can say, "I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord."

His cup of surrender allowed for my cup of salvation.

I also see the cup of remembrance. In the beautiful act of the Lord's Supper, I take the cup of juice to remember his death, burial, and resurrection. Jesus said, "This cup is the New Testament in my blood, which is shed for yours." (Luke 22:20)

As we live out this salvation and walk with the Lord, we can testify, "My cup runneth over for surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalm 23:5-6) This cup of blessings gives peace, joy, and love that runs over with blessings upon blessings. Indeed, my cup is full and runs over the top and down the sides.

Friend, as you sip from your favorite cup this morning, whether yours is a fancy, expensive tea cup or an everyday coffee mug like mine, be reminded that you could be one cup away from a good mood! Ponder the metaphor of a cup. Remember today the goodness of our Lord and His many blessings poured into your life. Perhaps you are ready to take the gift of salvation as you surrender to Him. Maybe you want to sit in the remembrance of the debt He paid and your gift of salvation. Perhaps you can pause to count your blessings, for He gives blessings upon blessings. Whatever you face today, I wish you happy sipping in your favorite mug! Know you are one cup away from a really good mood!

You are one cup away from a really good mood!



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