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The Chair in the Woods

As I turned the bend of the wooded mountain path, my eyes traveled to the top of the rock-faced hill. The small image grabbed my attention. One simple chair stood at the top of the natural gray slab. The chair and its surroundings seemed serene. Alone - but full.

Full of inspiration.

Full of imagination.

Full of beauty.

Full of duty.

Full of calm.

Full of charm.

Full of ponder.

Full of thoughts that wander.

Full to inspire -

Full to aspire -

Full of thoughts from a man of long ago who put pen to paper as he sat alone in his woods.

The wooden piece in the middle of the woods beckoned me to come for a closer look. It whispered a story of a man, not just any man but Carl Sandburg (1878-1967). Carl was an American poet, author, biographer, journalist, and editor. He wrote about the working class of the American people. He wrote for justice and equality. He was named 'Poet of the People' and won Pulitzer Prizes for his craft. Though he lived in Chicago for years, he and his wife moved to Flat Rock, NC, to pursue their dreams. Here Carl paused, pondered, and planned. And it was on this wooden chair he would often retreat on warm summer days to string words together. (Click Here for more.)

As I visited the property of Carl Sandburg, I, too, was moved. Though Carl and I differ in philosophy, I, too, string words together to move the souls of people. I, too, fight with pen and paper to move mountains.

Friend, what are you striving towards? Who inspires you in your journey? No matter where you are headed, no matter your aspirations today, here are a few reminders whispered from Carl Sandburg's chair in the middle of the woods.


Webster's dictionary defines pause as 'to linger for a time or to stop temporarily. A break, a lull, a brief suspension of the voice to indicate the limits and relations of sentences and their parts."


Scripture calls for Selah. Many Bible scholars believe this term to be a musical notation meaning 'to pause or end.' Scholars state that the word Selah is used at least 71 times in the book of Psalms alone. The New American Standard Hebrew Lexicon defines the Hebrew word (סֶֽלָה) as “to lift up, exalt. Selah reminds me to pause and lift up the name of the Lord. It is to Him I pause and pray.

"Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation. Selah" Psalm 68:19 (ESV)

"I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah." Psalm 3:4 ESV

Pause to clear your head.

Pause to ponder life, the meaning of life, and your next steps.

Pause to pray to your God and retreat from the loud noise of the world.

Pause and ponder.


Webster defines ponder as 'to weigh in the mind. to think about - to think or consider especially quietly, soberly, and deeply.' Ponder in the King James dictionary means 'to consider carefully; meditate.' We see an example of this in the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus. When she heard the shepherds' message, she pondered their words.

"And all they that heard it wondered at those things which the shepherds told them. But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart (Luke 2:18-19).

Whatever you dream in your hidden thoughts, I beg of you to weigh it in your mind. I challenge you to think and consider in quiet, sober, and deep thought. Ponder and plan.

Ponder the why. Ponder the how. Then plan your next step. What can you do to get the aspirations in your head into a written plan? Perhaps, you dream of a makeover for your kitchen, then start by purchasing the paint. Maybe, you aspire to pursue a career, then sign up for college classes. Perhaps, you want to find your tribe, then join a small group. Maybe, you want to start a business, then do your research and invest. But whatever your dream, know that it is good to ponder. Then take the next step, which is to plan. It is necessary to plan.

Plan your work and work your Plan.

Webster's Dictionary defines the word plan 'as a method for achieving an end; procedure, a detailed formulation of a program of action."

God's word teaches us that we must plan. "The plans of the diligent lead to profit" (Proverbs 21:5).

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed" (Proverbs 16:3).

As you ponder, move into a plan. Plan baby steps if you have to. Then write out steps to get to your goal. "Plan your work and work your plan," as my daddy says.

Whatever your dream- pause, ponder, and plan.

Perhaps, you need to sit in a chair of those who have gone before you. For there is a chair that calls souls from all over the world for a visit. Some sit in his seat with it's twisted back and four legs to dreams of their own. Perhaps, some ponder how it would have been many years ago when another sat here too. Maybe, some believe they will find their way as Carl did years before. But I believe all who pause are inspired. Dream, sweet sister. Dream Big! Be bold with your life! Be inspired. And if you have to, put a chair alone in the woods and claim it as your own.

For you are full of inspiration.

You are full of imagination.

You are full of beauty.

You are full of duty.

You are full of calm.

You are full of charm.

You can pause and ponder.

You must let your mind dream and wander.

For when you do, you will inspire -

and you will aspire -

to all that God has for you.

4 則留言

評等為 0(最高為 5 顆星)。


Beautiful words! Much needed today...


Thank you!


評等為 5(最高為 5 顆星)。

Beautiful! I love the follow through. Sometimes I can get down the pause and ponder but not plan it out. Other times I rush to plan without sitting to ponder.


Me too! :)


© 2021 High Heels at His Feet

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